Dec. 22, 2014
Agnes tracting with us. She is beautiful and so funny. We are
pretty much best friends.
Teaching sweet Rachel and
Magret in their baby house. |
.All the branch primary
children. The future leaders of Malawi. |
Sister Browning and I
eating lunch at a tiny bakery. |
My cute companion and I at the branch Christmas party
around the world,
My little heart is exploding with so much gratitude for the
Savior. I feel like I am coming to really know Him
more than I've ever known Him before. This week one of the branch missionaries
that we normally work with was sick so we went to visit her and we taught her
an amazing lesson about Christ. Actually, the Spirit really taught me. It was
just one of those many moments where I knew my mouth was being filled with what
to say. The words that came out of my mouth were not my own. And I learned that
the Atonement is much more than we ever think it is. It has been said often
that the Atonement is enabling power but that only really hit me as I taught.
The Atonement is not just to take us from a low state of sin back to a state of
neutrality--sometimes we think that when we repent it's just getting back up to
the plain we were at before--but it truly is enabling us to become as he is. Christ
wasn't willing to suffer because of our sins but He was willing to suffer
because of the infinite and stunning potentials that He knew we could reach
with His help. Sin is just the chains He has released us from so that He can
lift us higher.
As sister training leaders, Sister Komiha and I did exchanges this
week and they were really great. I still feel a bit inadequate and
inexperienced to teach other missionaries but I know that I have been called
for a reason. I may be training and helping sisters who have double the time on
mission than I do but it is causing me to stretch and grow. The first exchange
was on Wednesday with Sister Griffus (from US). We laughed a lot
(#sollynotsolly<--Malawians struggle with their Rs and Ls) and worked hard.
We had a lesson with our eternal investigator, Ian, and it was so powerful. We
talked about repentance and shared the story of Alma the Younger and he FINALLY committed to
a baptismal date of January 18th. You don't even know how big this is. He is
famous for being an eternal investigator. I am praying that he actually follows
On Thursday we worked with Osman, another branch missionary who
just got his mission call to the England Birmingham mission. As we walked about
from appointment to appointment he told me his conversion story. It blew me
away. He used to be a missionary for the Jehovah's Witnesses but every time he
talked about life after death he knew he wasn't teaching the truth. One day he
saw Elders in the market and stopped them and asked what happens after we die.
He couldn't let the missionaries come to his house because he lived with his
brother who was extremely J-dub so he began reading everything the Elders could
give him. Even when he went away for planting he would call the Elders everyday
to let them know about his reading. He eventually moved in with his sister and
was able to be baptized. When the leaders of the Jehovah's Witness heard he had
changed churches they came to try to fellowship him and teach him and he ended
up teaching them the plan of salvation. He is going to be an amazing
missionary. Birmingham
better prepare itself.
Friday I did an exchange with Sister Browning (from Idaho) who has only been
out about three weeks. She is the sister that sort of reminds me of myself a
short few months ago. We are very different people but it's still funny to look
at her and look at myself and see how far I have come. Agnes Chirwa, who is
going to London South (Shae's mission) came with us to a lesson and it felt
like I was training the both of them. They were so nervous to begin the lesson
and ask him questions but I left them hanging out to dry and they were so proud
of themselves afterward. Agnes is seriously the darlingest person ever. I hope
all works out with her visa so she can actually go to London and meet Sister Wood! I'll include a
picture of Sister Browning and I and also Agnes out tracting with us.
Our branch devotional/party was this week and it was such a
success. A ton of investigators came and there were a ton of games and everyone
really got involved. The Relief Society were champions in cooking rice for 200
people. They went through all the rice to pick out all the little rocks (yes,
that is something you have to do here). Ah, these African women are powerful.
The best part was looking around and seeing Alinafe organizing all the primary
children to play a game and Rachel and Magret going out of their way to help
clean up. It's the little things that mean so much.
There was one day that was really strange this week. It seemed
like every person I talked to just made me feel weirder and weirder. One
investigator we were teaching, a man from Zimbabwe, stopped mid conversation
and asked me if my father was a missionary. I told him my father had been one a
long time ago and he said that three months ago God had revealed to him that I
would come to his door. That sounds sort of spiritual but it was more on the
strange end of the spectrum. Then on the way home this man stopped Sister
Komiha and said, "I want to talk to your friend. She is so pretty."
Ah, dese people. If only you knew how many men have proposed to me. Too many. I
can't seem to blend in here.
Well, Christmas is this week and though I am far away from home
and all familiarity the Christmas spirit--the spirit of Christ--is vibrant in
my heart. All Christmasy things have been stripped away. There are no lights or
trees or wrapped presents or santa clauses, but my testimony of Christ has
grown more than any other Christmas I've ever experienced. Malawi may
celebrate differently ("It isn't Christmas without chicken and it isn't
Christmas without fanta") but the reason for the season remains the same.
May we all let Christ be born in us this week.
Sister Proctor