September 14, 2015
Exchanges with Sister Kgwetiane. Mashike came teaching with us.
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Washing clothes with the Besa girls.
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Mashike and I. This girl is the sweetest.
My Zimbabwean sister, Anna. I love this lady so much.
My crazy bishop and 1st councilor. These people have been too fun to work with.
Sister Nkowane. This woman. I can't even tell you how much I love her.
Bishop and Sister Shambana. We've already discussed it. They want to come for my future wedding. Eh, these people are too good.
I'm going to miss this truck.
Out to lunch with Sister Van Heerdan and her Mom. These people truly feel like family.
Darling Family,
Mariah, I can't belive you're married. Congratulations for being the most beautiful bride on the planet. You are simply radiant.
Well, kids. The transfer calls are finally official I am leaving for the Copperbelt early tomorrow morning to whitewash with Sister Mulunda. I'm pretty sure I am the first sister to make it to all four corners of the mission so that's exciting. Sister Mulunda is from DRC and only has one transfer left before she goes home. This is going to be an adventure.
This means that after all of this time I've finally been released as sister training leader. Even before the calls came I knew I was leaving. I felt it. I had my last mission leadership council on Tuesday and it was quite poignant. I can't even describe to you my feelings of gratitude for being trusted with this sacred calling and having the opportunity to associate so closely with President and Sister Erickson and the other amazing leaders of this great mission. I have learned so much from so many and I feel humbled that Heavenly Father see fit to put me on this council for so much of my mission. I feel like I've been tutored by the Spirit on a very personal level and I've had the opportunity to work with so many different people. What a tremendous blessing.
I also went on my last exchange as an STL with Sister Kqwetiane from South Africa. It was such a solid day. We found a really sweet new investigator--a friend of one of our current investigators--and he actually came to church. I told a lot of my investigators that I was leaving and after all these weeks of no one coming to church we had 4 investigators at church! It was a miracle. I hope this gave them a taste of that joy that you feel at church.
We got to work with a girl from the Peace Corp called Megan this week who has been in Zambia for 16 months and lives out in the bush. She only gets to go to church once every few months so it was nice to bring her teaching with us and help her feel the Spirit. We are so blessed to have the Church so near.
Saying goodbye to all of these ward members on Sunday was really sweet. I have grown to love these people so much. I am grateful that they are a bit more connected than Malawians so I will be able to stay more in contact with a lot of them. Each one has touched me in so many ways. So many feel like family. It's funny how every ward or branch I serve in becomes my family and I can't imagine feeling that way about any other group. But then I am transferred and it happens again. I can't wait to have a family in the Copperbelt, too.
Sorry it's a shorty today but I love you all so much. Enjoy the pictures!
Sister Proctor
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